
Another critical element necessary in the home buying and selling process includes an appraisal service. Ultimately, an appraiser determines an unbiased real and fair value of the property being purchased/sold.

Securing Your Appraisal

Typically, the buyer pays for the report and the lender hires an appraiser. Appraisers need to perform some detective work to accomplish their goal of placing a value on a property. They must research many elements –

    Kimberly Wright, Founder
  • Neighborhood comps. Knowing the surrounding property values help place a reasonable estimate on the location in question.
  • Kimberly Wright, Founder
  • Square footage. Determining livable space is an important piece of the appraisal process.
  • Kimberly Wright, Founder
  • Potential noise levels. An airport down the street or a railway in the backyard is a perfect example of how an appraisal could be impacted due to excessive and unwanted noise levels.
  • Kimberly Wright, Founder
  • Property views. Looking out the window at a wooded lot vs. the next-door neighbor’s brick wall would affect the decided value.
  • Kimberly Wright, Founder
  • Condition of the exterior. The property’s exterior impacts the value an appraiser will assess.
  • Kimberly Wright, Founder
  • Interior condition. Like the outside, knowing the condition inside can cause the final value to change.

An appraisal report will be provided back to the lender anywhere from two days to two weeks or more following the investigation.

Get In Touch

Why Is An Appraiser Important?

A buyer is unlikely to secure a mortgage if the place they’re purchasing doesn’t appraise for as much as they agreed to pay. You may love a particular home and be willing to spend a million dollars on it. But, if it appraises at a fraction of the cost, no one will be willing to lend you the money.

Ultimately, an appraisal ensures that banks don’t shell out more money than necessary, it also protects new homebuyers from borrowing more than they should.

If you don’t know where to start, Wright Realty is happy to work with you to locate a reliable appraisal services company.

Why Is An Appraiser Important?